23-02, UTRGV-Edinburg CISD Collegiate High School

23-02, UTRGV-Edinburg CISD Collegiate High School
10/4/2022, 2:00 PM

Bid to start opening promptly at 2:00 pmAny bids received after this date and time will not be accepted.

Vendor's shall be responsible for checking the web periodically to make sure they download the proper Addendums, etc.

PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A Pre-Bid Conference meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 @ 11:00 A.M. at ECISD Facilities Department – 1305 E. Schunior, Edinburg, TX.


DOCUMENTS: Plans, proposal packages, and specifications may be obtained by contacting Gomez Mendez Saenz, Inc., 1150 Paredes Line Road, Brownsville, TX 78521, Brownsville, TX during normal business days/hours. The plans will be provided free of charge via electronic submittal. Please request documents by calling 956-546-0110.

ARCHITECT/:       Gomez Mendez Saenz, Inc.

ENGINEER          David Monreal, A/A

   1150 Paredes Line Road                        Brownsville, TX 78521  /  (956) 546-0110

CONTACT: Dina Longoria at 956-289-2311 ext. 2135 or via email d.longoria@ecisd.us

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