Annual Report On Educational Performance
A Public Hearing at the Edinburg CISD Board of Trustees was held at the regularly scheduled
meeting on February 27, 2024, at 5:30 pm.
Presented by Jose A. Garza, Director of Assessment for Edinburg CISD
A public notice for this meeting was posted outside the ECISD Administration Building
before the meeting per the Texas Open Meetings Act. Additionally, a public notice was advertised in The Monitor's Legal Section, click here for a copy of the public notice.
Please direct questions to [email protected] or 956-289-2300 ext 2111.
Annual Report on Educational Performance Summary Presentation
Section 1 : Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) District and Campus Reports
Section 2: PEIMS Financial Standard Report
The financial section of the TAPR is provided by the State Funding Division. These reports can be accessed from a link on the last page of the TAPR or at the following link:
Click here for a brief overview of the 2021-2022 Financial Actual Report
- Austin
- Avila
- Betts
- Brewster
- Cano-Gonzalez
- Canterbury
- Cavazos
- Crawford
- De La Vina
- Eisenhower
- Escandon
- Esparza
- Flores/Zapata
- Freddy Gonzalez
- Gorena
- Guerra
- Hargill
- Jefferson
- Kennedy
- Lee
- Lincoln
- Magee
- Monte Cristo
- Ramirez
- San Carlos
- Travis
- Trevino
- Truman
- Villarreal
- Zavala
Section 3: Accreditation Status
The assignment of district and charter school accreditation statuses is authorized by Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 39, Public School System Accountability, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability, Subchapter EE, Accreditation Status, Standards, and Sanctions. The rules define the accreditation statuses of Accredited, Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, and Not Accredited-Revoked and describe how accreditation statuses are determined and assigned.
These rules may be viewed at the Texas Administrative Code link available at, and additional information regarding the assignment of accreditation statuses to districts and charter schools can be found on the Accreditation Status homepage of the Texas Education Agency (TEA or agency) website at
Section 4: Campus Performance Objectives
Section 5: Violent & Criminal Incidents
The annual report must include information about violent or criminal incidents that occur on each campus and must include the following:
• The number, rate, and type of violent or criminal incidents that occurred on each campus, to the extent permitted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
• Descriptions of school violence prevention and violence intervention policies and procedures used to protect students
• Findings from evaluations conducted under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act For more information about the reporting of violent or criminal incidents during the Office of Civil Rights data collection, please visit
The complete ECISD Board Policy is located at the following URL:
A note about the different types of policies:
LEGAL policies compile federal law, state law, and court decisions, providing the statutory context in which all other policies should be read.
LOCAL policies reflect decisions made by your local school board.
EXHIBIT documents may contain forms, charts, and other supporting information.
Parent Student Handbook and Texas Education Code Chapter 37 Code of Conduct
ECISD Police Department Crime Stopper Program
Anonymous Reporting of Incidents through the ECISD website
School Counselors
Elementary (31)
Middle School (18)
High School (43) -
Social Workers: (Total 24)
Elementary (13)
Secondary (11)
Licensed Professional Counselors: (Total 3)
District Level Bullying Committee
Campus-Level Bullying Committees
ECISD Mental Health Crisis Protocols for Students
Behavioral Threat Assessment Policy and Procedures
Response to Intervention (RtI) for Behavior
Conduct a Targeted Partial Safety Audit
Conduct an Exterior Door Safety Audit
Convene the district’s Safety and Security Committee to review:
the multi-hazard emergency operations plan (EOP)
and, as a component of the EOP, the district’s active threat plan
Ensure all campus staff (including substitutes) are trained on their specific district and campus safety procedures
Schedule all mandatory drills for the school year
Ensure all threat assessment team members are trained
Review and, as necessary, update access control procedures
Participate in online training:
Raptor training
Texas School Safety Center online classes
Secret Service Online School Safety Training
Work with local law enforcement:
We lend the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department a bus for the annual SWAT training
We invite ECISD Police Department staff to address ongoing and pertinent information to all Transportation staff
We allow Texas DPS Troopers to train with their K-9 partners on-site (weekly)
97% of Transportation staff are certified in First Aid, CPR, AED, and Epi-Pen
Section 6: Post Secondary Readiness
Report of 2020-2021 High School Graduates’ Enrollment and Academic Performance in Texas Public Higher Education in FY 2022
Texas statute requires every school district to include, with their performance report, information received under Texas Education Code §51.403(e). This information, provided to districts from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), reports on student performance in postsecondary institutions during the first year enrolled after graduation from high school.
Click the following link to view the most recent report from the Texas High Education Coordinating Board:
Report of 2020-2021 High School Graduates’ Enrollment and Post Secondary Readiness
Section 7: Progress Towards Meeting House Bill 3 Goals
TEC, §39.306(a)(8) states the Annual Report is to include the progress of the district and each campus in the district toward meeting the goals set in the district's:
(A) early childhood literacy and mathematics proficiency plans adopted under Section 11.185; and
(B) college, career, and military readiness plans adopted under Section 11.186.
Click the following link to view the HB 3 Goals Progress Report:
Section 8: TAPR Glossary