Safety and Risk Management

safety and risk management
The Board and Administration of Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District are committed to provide a safe and healthful work environment for all our employees and others that may work, visit or enter our school facilities. It is our policy to manage and conduct operations and business in a manner that offers maximum protection to each and every employee and any other person that may be affected by our operations.
It is our absolute conviction that we have the responsibility of providing a safe and healthful work environment for our people and all others that may be affected as we conduct our school business. We will make every effort to provide a working environment that is free from any recognized or potential hazards.
We recognize that the success of a safety and health program is contingent and dependent upon support from the administration level down to involvement of all employees of the school district.
The administration of the Edinburg CISD is committed to allocating and providing all of the resources needed to promote and effectively implement the Accident Prevention Plan. Edinburg CISD will establish avenues to solicit and receive comments, information, and assistance from employees where safety and health are concerned.
The school district will comply with safety and health regulations established by federal, state, and local agencies.
The administration and all supervisors will set the example for the commitment to the safety and health of the employees of this school district.
This policy applies to all employees and persons affected or associated in any way with the Edinburg CISD.
School Pipeline Safety Information