Technology Administration

The Edinburg CISD Technology Services Division implements and integrates District-wide Internet, network, applications, data resources, and manages instructional materials, library services, public relations, media communications, printing services, and professional learning services for all students and staff members. The District Network provides students, teachers, support staff, and administrators with secure access to online instructional and administrative resources and software applications.
Eduardo Javier Moreno, Ph.D.
Technology Services Division
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3060
Dale Ramos
Director of E-Rate 
Phone: (956)289-2325 Ext: 3045
Joe Huerta
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3020
Alma Moron
Director of PEIMS/Pupil Accounting
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 2118
Alex Martinez
Coordinator of Programming and Application Management
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3056
Jesus Rodriguez
Software Development Engineer
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3028
Eric Diaz
Systems Engineer
Phone: (956) 289-2325
Ext: 3044
Dora Estrada
Coordinator of Textbooks and Library Services
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 7981
Leonila Pena
Supervisor of PEIMS
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 2286
Andy Rios
Network Programmer Specialist
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3042
Terry Alfaro
Inventory Integration Specialist
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3008
Colby Swecker 
Systems Programmer/District Webmaster
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3086
Andres Ramos 
Systems Programmer/District Webmaster
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3087
Bernardo Diaz
Printing Department Administrator
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 7865
Lisa Ayala Hettler
Public Information Officer
Phone: (956) 289-2300 Ext: 2022
Ana Avila
Social Media Journalist
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 7880
Administrative Assistants:
Monica Gaitan
Administrative Assistant 
Phone: (956) 289-2325 Ext: 3035
Celia Garza
Administrative Assistant 
Phone: (956) 289-2300 Ext: 2036