US prescription medication 2023-2024 UPDATE:
US prescription medication may be administered at school if the medication is sent in the original, properly labeled container and if the medication is for that particular student. In addition, a signed order from the student's medical care provider and a signed permission from the parent/guardian is required for the administration of ANY medication at school. 
Students may not self-administer medication unless the medication is an asthma inhaler or emergency injectable epinephrine and the proper forms and information from their doctor have been provided to the campus nurse. 
Sample and Over the Counter medication:
Sample medication dispensed by your physician may be administered at school if it is accompanied by a written authorization from the doctor as well as written permission from the parent/ guardian. The medication must be in the original, properly labeled container.

Allergies and Anaphylaxis

In response to the increasing rate of students with diagnosed food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis, laws were passed. Texas Education Code, Chapter 25, Section 25.0022, requires a parent or legal guardian disclose, at the request of the school district, whether the child has a food allergy. 


Texas Education Code, Chapter 38, Section 38.0151, requires the school district to school adopt and administer a policy for the care of students with diagnosed food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis. 


Texas Education Code, Subchapter E, states:

  • "each school district, open-enrollment charter school, and private school may adopt and implement a policy regarding the maintenance, administration, and disposal of epinephrine auto-injectors at each campus in the district or school."
  • “each school district, open-enrollment charter school, and private school may adopt and implement a policy authorizing a school nurse to maintain and administer asthma medicine at each campus in the district or school.”
Edinburg CISD has policies for the emergency use of medication for anaphylaxis, respiratory distress, and opioid overdose.