Support Services Division

Dr. Anthony Garza



Dr. Anthony Garza is an honor graduate from Edinburg High School.  He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master’s degree in Educational Administration and Doctorate in Educational Leadership, both from the University of Texas Pan American.  Dr. Garza’s dissertation was entitled, “Selected Factors Related to the Mathematics Academic Achievement of Eighth Grade English Language Learners”.  He holds Texas Educator Certificates in Secondary Mathematics (6-12), Principal (EC-12), and Superintendent (EC-12). 

Dr. Garza has extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of education.  His education career began as a high school math teacher, serving for a total of eight years (Hidalgo HS, Edinburg HS, Economedes HS). Dr. Garza followed his teaching experience with wide-ranging roles at the administration level, all at Edinburg CISD, including Assistant Principal, Middle School Principal, High School Principal, Area Director for High Schools, COVID Director, Director for ESSER & Grants, and Assistant Superintendent of Support Services.   His roles as Principal were recognized as the  Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) Region I Outstanding Middle School Principal of the Year (2012) and TASSP Region I Outstanding High School Principal of the Year (2016).  Also, he has worked as an Adjunct Professor for the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley where he taught classes in the College of Education and P-16 Integration for students enrolled in the Master’s program who aspire to become school administrators.  Dr. Anthony Garza is currently the Executive Director of Support Services at ECISD.

Dr. Garza is married to Marisa Garza and they have two children, daughter Loren, and son, Anthony Jr.  Dr. Garza works hard to provide all ECISD students with a safe and positive school climate, while challenging them with a variety of rigorous academic programs.  Dr. Garza’s philosophy is, “Through dedicated teamwork from all stakeholders, every student will experience academic success and graduate college and career ready.”  He enjoys serving as a role model to the students and staff of ECISD, proving that education is the great equalizer. 

  • Athletics
  • Child Nutrition
  • ECISD Police Department
  • Elections
  • Engineering
  • ESSER Compliance & Grants
  • Facilities
  • Fine Arts
  • Health Services
  • Elementary Parental Concerns
  • In-District/Out-of-District Transfers
  • Maintenance & Operations
  • Safety & Security
  • Transportation
Standing from Left to Right: Alonzo Barbosa, Director of Transportation; Jamie O. Perez, Director of Child Nutrition; Robert Gomez, Director of Facilities; Robert Saenz, Ret.; Oscar Salinas, Director of Athletics; David Molina, Director of School Safety & Security; Ricardo Perez, Jr., Chief of Police. 
Sitting from Left to Right: Nelinda Villarreal, Director of Fine Arts; Diana Davila, Director of Health Services; Dr. Anthony Garza, Executive Director for Support Services; Monica Garcia, Secretary to Executive Director for Support Services; Julie Perez, Director of Maintenance & Operations.

Vision Statement

All Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District students will master the competencies to be life-long learners, to compete, contribute, and succeed in the global community through positive attitudes and high expectations.



Mission Statement

The TEAM of the Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District Board of Trustees, administrators, teachers, support staff, parents and community, in partnership with public and private agencies, is committed to provide the support, resources and academic rigor to ensure all students achieve educational and social excellence.

Executive Director
Monica Garcia
Secretary to Executive Director of Support Services