Teachers, Get Set Up with Cisco Jabber Today!
The Cisco Jabber application allows users to make and receive calls using a headset or using their computer's microphone and speakers.
- Find the Cisco Jabber App on your desktop.
- Click on Sign-In.
- Type Your ECISD username and password.

- Cisco Jabber is configured to work inside and outside of the ECISD network like at home.
- Every Jabber user has an assigned phone number that can be located in profile information. This phone number can be shared with others such as Co-Workers, Parents, etc.

- Once a user is signed in, he/she will be able to make internal and external calls as normal.

Additional Settings:
1. Contacts
The user can add contacts to his/her list.
2. Chat
The user can chat with any other jabber user

Need Help?
For any assistant, contact:
Network Specialist Department
EXT: 3034